Rules Of My Kitchen

1. PLEASE TO KEEP OUT, except on express permission of cooke

2. COOKE shall designate pot scourers, pan polishers, peelers, scrapers and COOK has supreme AUTHORITY AT ALL TIMES.

3. NO REMARKS AT ALL WILL BE TOLORATED concerning the blackening of toast, the weakness of soup or the strength of the garlic stewe.

4. What goes in the stews & soups is NOBODY's damn business.

5. If you MUST stick ur finger into something, stick it in the garbage disposal.

6. DONT CRITICIZE the coffee, you may be old and weak yourself one day.

7. ANYONE bringing guest in for dinner without prior notice wil be awarded 3 whacks on skull with sharp objects.

8. PLEASE WAIT. Rome wasnt burnt in a day and it takes awhile to burn the roaste

9. IF YOU MUST pinch something in this kitchen, pinch the COOKE!

10. This is my KITCHEN. If you don't believe it, START SOMETHING.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

1 Comment:

Sean Ong said...

ehh. this wan from lasalle centre wan ryt?