Rehearsal For Installation

tis is wat happen for the rehearsal today..

08.00 am - Gather in the hall
08.30 am - Students are arranged according to their units
09.00 am - Arrangement of chairs
09.10 am - Learn how to clap
09.20 am - Sit n wait
10.10 am - Rearrangement of sitting position
10.20 am - Sit n wait
11.00 am - Recess
11.20 am - Rearrangement of sitting position
11.30 am - Sit n wait
12.00 pm - Sit n wait
01.00 pm - Sit n wait
01.30 pm - Rehearsal starts
02.40 pm - Dismiss

*sit and wait means REALLY jus sit n do ntg..tis skool is really talented in wasting time..

Thursday, January 22, 2009